Who is the Liberal Behind the Mask — Unmask the Liberal!

Meria Cairns
8 min readOct 3, 2020

Who is the Liberal Behind the Mask? The answer to that may surprise you!

Unmask the liberal? Nah, let’s keep them hiding behind that cloth — ’cause that smile underneath is evil and their breath is starting to smell…

Liberals used to be the progressive ones, the ones advocating for social change, protesting against the status quo, advocating for women, immigrants, people of color, minorities, and the underdog in general.

Now, they’re hiding behind masks, following orders from their television sets, their smart phones, their favorite authority figures and celebrities. Filled with rage, they hate women, whom they refer to as “Karens,” a woman’s name being disparaged to represent the “b” word — rhymes with witch. So much censorship these days… dare I reveal the word? Heck, why not? Medium doesn’t allow many people to see this blog anyhow.




There, I said it. Strong-willed, outspoken women: the message is clear. Shut up! Stop expressing your opinions. The liberals don’t want to hear it. They’re busily working to preserve the status quo now. Strong, independent women are a direct affront to the war and prison industries, so we need to remain silent. In fact, we have the right to remain silent all the time. The right to speak, however…

So here I am, expressing my opinion.




My concern is that they’re disparaging a woman’s name. I’m surprised there aren’t any lawsuits over that.

Yep, now the liberals sound like the religious fundamentalists they used to claim to hate. They hate women now. Women, Donald Trump supporters. People fighting to preserve the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Liberals are the great American haters.

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Who’s the ugliest one of all?

You are, if you’re a liberal!

Mother, should I trust the government?

Yes, but only if you are a liberal and the government is run by democrats because, uh, democrats are good. Bill Clinton molested little girls and Joe Biden put his hands up a woman’s woo-woo, but that’s okay ’cause, uh, they’re democrats… Lesser of two evils!

Oh yes, and the democrats extended the Patriot Act, using the “new” coronavirus as an excuse. Did I mention Big Pharma? Oh dear. I’m going to get censored again. Google, apparently, is also a pharmaceutical company, so…

Let’s go. Let’s dive right into the abyss… And let’s do it nonpartisanly, shall we?

If we survive this human-made apocalypse unscathed by Big Pharma’s attempt at nano-chipping us into transhumanized, spiritual robots controlled remotely by super computers, we’ll remember this day as the time when the liberals became conservative, intolerant, hateful, self-righteous religious fundamentalist bigots who allowed themselves to be brainwashed into fighting just for the sake of fighting — fighting for nothing. Fighting not the status quo but their fellow human being. Far from wanting to make the world a better place, the average liberal in America wants to attack those in the world around them for not being good enough, for not doing what their told, for not being obedient slaves.

They used to say the revolution will not be televised, but the liberal mind is televised. It’s a TV-set mind, controlled by advertisements, smart phone pings, emergency messages, and favorite talking heads.

Freedom is slavery, right?

Ignorance is strength? Heaven forbid we fact check information ourselves. Why do that when we can just get our “news” off of a screen?

What’s on TV tonight?

What does your smart phone tell you to think? Ping, ping, ping!

If you are a “liberal,” the joke is on you. Ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Yep, they’re all laughing at you now. All those things you said you believed in — ending war, ending racism, sexism, inequality, helping the poor — all those things weren’t ever real for you. You were just arguing for the sake of arguing. Fact is, you never cared at all.

At all.

Now, you’re proudly putting on a mask, hiding your nose and mouth, dehumanizing yourself, shutting yourself up and shutting up everyone around you, and you are proud to do it! Like women in the Middle East who see it as their civic duty to hide behind their men, you now hide in blind obedience to authority figures because, uh, you don’t like Donald Trump. No one has freedom of speech now — women, men, blacks, whites, reds, blues; heck, even rich people can get censored these days if they speak out against the Great, Great Big Pharma.

Oh, Great, Big Pharma — you are so big! You are so great! I kiss the smelly feet below you! For you offer pharmaceuticals. You offer vaccines! Vaccines, as we all know, are safe! They’re wonderful! They are solving the world’s problems! The whole world just falls down to its knees and worships the Great, Big Pharma! Look at Africa and India, for example. They especially love Bill Gates who has been very kind and loving by offering his life-saving, life-maiming, life-curtailing vaccines. Wonderful! Wonderful! Let us all bow… No, let us all get down on our knees and worship the Great, Big Pharma! For they will issue a disclaimer above this very blog, warning you not to read it, to look at their CDC website and read their illiterature first.

But please, please, please, don’t listen to me. What if I support Donald Trump? Oh no! That would be bad — especially since he, supposedly, has Covid now. We’d heard he had Covid months ago, but now he really has it because, uh, he wasn’t wearing a mask 24/7. Never mind the old days when Fauci said masks are ineffective. Never mind the manufacturer’s warnings that come with n95 masks alerting their wearers that the masks won’t prevent the spread of coronaviruses. Never mind reality. The new coronavirus isn’t a threat. The real threat is this: you have lost your mind. And it is official: you believe everything mainstream media sources tell you. Never mind, again, that the media is run by a handful of corporations. You knew all that. You’ve known that for years.

But now Donald Trump is president. And you don’t like him. The corporate media doesn’t like him either. So now you’ve decided you like the corporate-controlled media after all. Now, they’re telling you what you want to hear. And it all sounds really good, sounds like what your ears had been searching for all along.

You are what you eat, they say. But you are what you surround yourself with all day long. If that is a TV set, radio or smartphone, then well, look at what you’ve become!

Oh yeah. I forgot about that one. If Donald Trump says the sky is blue, you will decide it isn’t. If he says we should all hold onto our humanity, you’ll decide that’s wrong too. Nope, we should all be robots. Might be kind of fun to be controlled by a super computer out there, somewhere out there, in “the cloud.” (We won’t find it in the sun ’cause they’re working to destroy our access to that too, for our own good, of course. The sun is a bad guy ’cause it’s causing climate change. Just wait till they report that on your favorite TV show.)

But never mind those wacky conspiracy theories. Government officials are on your side! The democrats extended the Patriot Act for your own good. Yes, the Patriot Act is the law that allows the government to spy on innocent Americans who have done nothing wrong. It obliterates our 4th Amendment right to privacy.

But, uh, we’re dealing with a virus, so I guess that makes it all okay.

By the way, viruses are inside our bodies, inside our homes, our schools, our churches — everywhere! Yep, viruses are just a part of life — new ones and old ones both. We deal with them everyday. Just like we deal with bad people who want to do bad things — like criminals, terrorists, and dictators, for example. So the government can always find a reason to say that we should be afraid, very afraid and that we should run to our authority figures for safety.

Fact is, if you are a liberal, you are being played right now. Your rebellious energy has been channeled against your fellow human beings instead of against those in power. And it’s an interesting phenomenon to behold. Liberals, radicals, social change makers suddenly don’t want society to change. Suddenly, they’re working hard to preserve the status quo in hopes it will protect them ’cause, uh, they’re scared of viruses.

Yikes! Please, please, please, don’t sneeze at me.

And so the movement for positive social change appears to be dead, killed by propaganda fueled by the pharmaceutical, medical and media establishments. But… wait… what?

Hold onto your mask, Batman!

Meanwhile, an odd phenomenon the PTB didn’t expect is beginning to surface. Conservatives who thought the status quo worked for them are becoming radicalized. Your conservative gun-toting, Trump voting grandma is now more radical than you. So hold onto your yoga mats, the new revolution is here. Liberals have given up the fight but conservatives — former conservatives — have taken their place. As liberals become the establishment, their detractors become the anti-establishment.

And so the movement for social justice moves on, as it always will. Whether we refer to ourselves as liberals or conservatives, we are humans. We are the human race. Not sure what race to which you belong. But we are human beings. We will not let go of our humanity without a fight.

Do you want a war? It looks like you do. We will fight this peaceably. We will fight this spiritually. We will fight this with love. We will regain our humanity, turn off our TV sets, our smartphones and our favorite celebrities and talking heads.




Clap on! Clap off! Turn it off!

Now, we are listening to each other. Far from social distancing. We are socializing. We are not liberals or conservatives. We are not democrats or republicans. We are human beings. And you have messed with our humanity for too long. We are taking it back now.


Note: I put a lot of work, time and effort into writing these blogs, so I appreciate the censorship. Really, I do. Nothing like spending a couple hours writing a blog then noticing no one sees it. Nothing like it — especially when I find poorly written blogs that get thousands of views. Yep, USA, the great land of opportunity, strikes again — protecting the rich from the rest of us. My opinions sure are scary!

#weainthavingit #BillGates #nomandatoryvaccine #makeamericansfreeagain

